Emily Hart
The Colombia Briefing
The Colombia Briefing | 23rd July

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The Colombia Briefing | 23rd July

EMC guerrillas kidnap tourist, Petro apologises for UNGRD corruption, child recruitment on the rise, Independence Day, a new legislative term & more

🗞️ On Saturday 20th July, Colombia celebrated 214 years of independence - as well as the start of a new legislative term in Congress. 

President Gustavo Petro gave a speech announcing three key aims for the period: an agrarian reform, a transformation of the national land agency, and a bill to facilitate investments in housing, agriculture, export industries, and popular economies. The government also reiterated its focus on passing its Health, Labour, and Education Reforms.

🗞️ In his speech, Petro also apologised for a corruption scandal involving the National Disaster Risk Management Unit (UNGRD), taking responsibility for the appointment of Olmedo López, the former director of the Unit who has admitted to directing public money to bribe congressmen to vote in favour of government bills.

This is a corruption scandal which has been rumbling for some months, after Sneyder Pinilla – a former UNGRD official – reported that the government had paid millions in bribes to help pass social reforms. 

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Emily Hart
The Colombia Briefing
Your top stories from Colombia - delivered every Monday as audio and text